The dog decorative sign is complete.

Posted on February 16th, the dog decorative sign made from recycled materials is complete. It is colored on both sides, so you can enjoy it from either side. Take good care of him. #Oizumi Green Space #scrap material #decoration #signboard #beagle #dog #playing in the park #art Oizumi Ryokuchi Official Instagram

Regarding fire handling.

Poor manners, violations of the rules and lack of morals are extremely dangerous and a nuisance. Please check the map for designated barbecue areas. If you have any questions about the rules within the park, please call the management office. #Oizumi Green Space #BBQ #Fire #Outdoor Oizumi Ryokuchi Official Instagram

Regarding the use of barbecues at places other than paid barbecue facilities

○ Barbecues are not permitted outside of designated areas. ○ Open flames are prohibited. Please use a portable stove with legs. ○ There is no washing area. ○ Please help us by taking your trash home with you. ○ Please be careful when handling fire. ○ After use, dispose of the ashes in the ash disposal area. Cars and motorcycles are not permitted in the park. #Oizumi Green Space #BBQ #Park #Outdoor #Nature #Forest Oizumi Ryokuchi Official Instagram